Surgical Innovation
Medical device companies utilize the VESIC to showcase the latest advancements in medicine. New surgical implants, lasers, enhanced imaging and more are available to help learners explore breadth of procedures and depth of techniques. These laboratory events are often scheduled on weekends, and the self-contained space of the VESIC features a classroom, dining, area, locker rooms and a comfortable lounge.

Bioskills Laboratory
The Van Elslander Surgical Innovation Center (VESIC) houses a laboratory space designed for anatomical exploration and cadaveric dissection. Various residency programs are now building these laboratories into their curriculums for optimized learning and skills advancement. Surgical specialties and fellows practice their techniques on anatomical tissue to enhance the safety of real-life procedures.

Surgical Procedures
Residents, fellows, and practicing physicians appreciate the opportunity to perform surgeries at a gradual pace, where they can ask questions and review their work every step of the way. Whether attempting a new procedure or learning different techniques, materials, equipment, and instruments are available for individual learners' needs.

International Courses
The specialty Neurotology surgeons at the Michigan Ear Institute hold regular Temporal Bone Courses available to international residents and physicians. The design of each station provides comfortable seating for full-day procedures, as well as high-quality microscopes, cameras, and monitors so instructors can view each learner's progress. The proctor station in the VESIC dissection laboratory allows the instructor to perform procedures that can be viewed on monitors throughout the space.