Crisis Resource Management
Crisis resource management originated in the aviation industry where it was discovered that many accidents were caused by human factors rather than mechanical failure. Many of these errors mimic those which cause harm to patients. Training in crisis resource management places an emphasis on non-technical skills such as communication and teamwork rather than traditional hard skills associated with medical education. Such training has demonstrated many positive outcomes for patients of a variety of specialties. The operating room at the Center was designed with training such as this in mind.

Laboratory Orientation
Simulation educators mimic the fidelity of the professional environment in which healthcare workers occupy to provide a realistic learning experience. It is important that all users of the Center understand that although the environment varies from traditional surroundings, the controlled setting has its own advantages. Learners can often work at their own pace and perform tasks repeatedly, improving with each step.

Mock Code Training
The Simulation and Education Center houses several high-fidelity patient simulators including two Laerdal SimMan 3Gs and a Gaumard Noelle and Baby Hal. The simulators allow the physiologically accurate simulation of critically ill and injured patients. This allows the learner to recognize signs and symptoms and make decisions on care based upon the patient’s presentation rather than prompting from the instructor. While SimMan provides an accurate portrayal of an adult male, Noelle takes the simulation one step further and allows students to deliver babies.

Clinical Skills Preparation
In addition to its many manikins and models, the Simulation and Education Center features two exam rooms that emulate those found in a clinic or doctor’s office. Each exam room is outfitted with clinical diagnostic tools, and interactions with standardized patients can be recorded from various angles, just as in all other rooms. Following the completion of sessions, the students review their encounter with a faculty member to reflect on their performance.